Friday, December 11, 2009

WE WON!!!!

Today is okok day i sopose to meet silvia and her friends today at amk hub but i didnt see them sry realy sry because my singapore team meeting 2:45 them after that saw ya loon, jia jien,ming long choon ming,ling jie and one guys two girl dnk how type there name sry ps but almost 1 year nvr see them sia then 6meet sg team at singapore indoor stadium warm up prepair for game stadium 6:30 game start sibei song shoot one ball in people scream your name but sometime irretating why cant they shut up then make last shoot score!they all pore the cold water at me jialat lo score 62:63 singapore vs indonesia it was scary at starting hahahax but ltr enjoy it at the middle we won then after that go out got one choibu hold my hand pretend like shes my stead I dont even know her what the hell anyhow hold after i walk away she follow me then i just heck care lo then go with coach and teamates eat din then go home sms silvia now smsing her so bye:)