Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Today Very Nice

Today Morning 7+ Went Sch Very Sien Sia So I Sleep In Class And Lisiao Teacher Hahahahax O.o?Then After Sch My Bro Darren And Kelvin Went My House Slack Awhile Then Whent To Desmond Blk Hahahax After Tat Went Back My House Again Take Bike Tompang Darren Go Puggol Then At His House Then About 4+ Went To Cycle Back Then Go HougangMall Play Arcade While Waiting For Celine Hahahax Then Awhile Celine(Chiobu) Come Then Went To Hougang Plaza Play Pool Half Way So Friend Then Continue Walking Then Got One Guy Cb Sia Diao Celine like Hell Then Heck Care Loh Went Up Play Pool With Celine She Win Me Onetime I Win Her 3time   But She Pro Lah I JUz Tyco Bah hahahax Then About 7.30pm Went To Pay Then Go Sweet Talk Follow Celine Buy Milktea Then Hougang mall slack And Help Celine Find Candy Cane And Hello Kitty Hahahax Then After Tat Take Bus To Her House Pei Her Home Suddenly Got One Guy Say Hi To Her Then She Scared She Faster Walk She Very Funny Sia See You On Sat I Think???